Room 5 2017

Room 5 2017
Tunnel Beach CAPES Term 1

All About Room 5

Room 5 is the senior class at Outram school and is comprised of a mix of Year 7 and 8 students. Academically, there is a strong focus within the class of ensuring the students are prepared for secondary school. Many of the students have put their hands up to be school leaders, as School Council members or as House Leaders. These school leaders play an integral role in the life of the school. These students help organise and provide key support on school occasions such as sports days, social events such as discos, fundraising events and House events. They also provide leadership in important school areas such as the Allen Centre, sport and the Envirogroup. There is a strong Education Outside the Classroom focus, this is delivered through school camp, a syndicate wide termly focus on an EOTC activity and also a programme which is tailored for the senior class - CAPES+. This looks at physically challenging and extending our Year 7 and 8s in a programme that takes part outside the regular classroom programme. As a group, Room 5 students set themselves high standards. Students are interested in their learning, they are given opportunities to reach their potential, they have a sense of humour, they are loyal to each other, they are a pleasure to teach.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

National Young Leaders Day 2018

National Young Leaders Day 2018

We make a commitment to our Senior Students that we will develop their leadership skills.  This means that we fund all Year 8 students to attend the annual National Young Leaders Day.  The 2018 event was held in the Dunedin Town Hall last Monday. This is a day of inspirational speakers who gave a message to our students about their own personal journey, and how their experiences contributed to them being a role model or a leader.  This year the theme was “Me whakāro rangatira”, In essence this translates to, “Think like a leader.
Some of the Year 8 students’ reflections about the day are included below:

“I liked how Amanda Wilson talked about starting with nothing, and she went on to become really successful.  Her message was don’t be afraid to stand out and be different – this difference is what can make you be successful” - Sam Cuthill.   (Amanda is best known through her involvement in the hit NZ show Keeping Up With The Kaimanawas.   Amanda has travelled to America and Australia to rescue and tame wild horses with her sisters, and their work features in six bestselling books).
“ I really liked Riley Hathaway – she said if everyone picks up a pit of plastic trash you can make a big difference to our oceans.  Everyone doing a little bit can make a big difference.”  - Will Stewart.   (Riley has been part of a TV kids’ show called “Young Ocean Explorers”.  She is a passionate 17-year old who is stepping up and showing leadership and advocacy in the area of our ocean health.) 
“I liked Jono Taylor’s message – he summed it up as HOPE – Humility, Others focused, Play to your strengths, Extend yourself” – Ted Cottle.  (Jono Taylor’s background has included being a Member of Parliament, mayor, guidance counsellor, youth worker, busker and gravedigger.)
“I liked Robbie Fruean’s quote – it you shoot for the moon and you miss, you will still land on the stars. “ – Finn Aitken  (Robbie Fruean was named World U19 Rugby Player of the Year, he had an amazing career ahead of him but he was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that impacted on his rugby career – he still managed to have a ten year career which included Super Rugby and ITM Cup.)
“I liked the common message that all speakers gave – that perseverance and dedication can get you places.” – Luke Brown

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