Room 5 2017

Room 5 2017
Tunnel Beach CAPES Term 1

All About Room 5

Room 5 is the senior class at Outram school and is comprised of a mix of Year 7 and 8 students. Academically, there is a strong focus within the class of ensuring the students are prepared for secondary school. Many of the students have put their hands up to be school leaders, as School Council members or as House Leaders. These school leaders play an integral role in the life of the school. These students help organise and provide key support on school occasions such as sports days, social events such as discos, fundraising events and House events. They also provide leadership in important school areas such as the Allen Centre, sport and the Envirogroup. There is a strong Education Outside the Classroom focus, this is delivered through school camp, a syndicate wide termly focus on an EOTC activity and also a programme which is tailored for the senior class - CAPES+. This looks at physically challenging and extending our Year 7 and 8s in a programme that takes part outside the regular classroom programme. As a group, Room 5 students set themselves high standards. Students are interested in their learning, they are given opportunities to reach their potential, they have a sense of humour, they are loyal to each other, they are a pleasure to teach.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Stewart Island Camp

Camp was an amazing experience!  We managed to pack a lot into our five days away.  We orienteered through the Oban township, fished off the wharves at Golden Bay and Halfmoon Bay, visited Ulva Island, went fishing for blue cod on the Aurora, water taxied up to Port William and then tramped out, had a basketball competition in the gym at the Stewart Island Event Centre, visited the museum, had an evening talk with a DOC ranger, ate the most amazing food, experienced a very rough crossing of Foveaux Strait (not something any of us want to repeat) and had a go at track cycling at the Southland Velodrome.  A big shout out to our awesome parent help - Greg, Craig, Rob, Darryl, Caleb, Andrew and Paul.

Finn shows off his big fish!

 On board the fishing charter Aurora, headed to Ulva Island.

Mollymawk looking for an easy meal!

Fish and chip dinner after successful day of catching blue cod!

Group photo at Port William.

Rylee, Caleb, Luke and Ethan at Maori Beach, on the walk out to Halfmoon Bay from Oban.

Posing on the anchor chain sculpture which marks the entrance to the Rakiura National Park.

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