Room 5 2017

Room 5 2017
Tunnel Beach CAPES Term 1

All About Room 5

Room 5 is the senior class at Outram school and is comprised of a mix of Year 7 and 8 students. Academically, there is a strong focus within the class of ensuring the students are prepared for secondary school. Many of the students have put their hands up to be school leaders, as School Council members or as House Leaders. These school leaders play an integral role in the life of the school. These students help organise and provide key support on school occasions such as sports days, social events such as discos, fundraising events and House events. They also provide leadership in important school areas such as the Allen Centre, sport and the Envirogroup. There is a strong Education Outside the Classroom focus, this is delivered through school camp, a syndicate wide termly focus on an EOTC activity and also a programme which is tailored for the senior class - CAPES+. This looks at physically challenging and extending our Year 7 and 8s in a programme that takes part outside the regular classroom programme. As a group, Room 5 students set themselves high standards. Students are interested in their learning, they are given opportunities to reach their potential, they have a sense of humour, they are loyal to each other, they are a pleasure to teach.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Master Chef - Mystery Food Box Challenge

Mrs Hunter was left with a class full of boys last week, the Year 7 and 8 girls took part in a Self Defence Course.  So what to do with all of those boys .......  we ran a Master Chef type Mystery Box Challenge.  The boys were put in teams of three and given a bag full of ingredients.  The teams were given some planning time where they had access to the internet to source possible recipes.  Then it was "game on" in the Workshop as the boys' cooked up a storm.  We were fortunate to have Mr Andy Grace on hand as both a mentor and a judge.

Toby, Sab and Joshua set a high benchmark with their creation of meatballs, wedges and tomato salsa condiment.  These boys worked together well, they made great use of all of their ingredients and they were the only group who accompanied their meat dish with a sauce. 

The winning dish was created by Easton, Ben and Hunter.  This was a cottage pie type dish with a flakey pastry top, garnished quite artfully with sprigs of spinach.  As well as tasting fabulous, these boys earned top marks for their presentation.

Pom Pom Launcher

On a Thursdays we base our writing on a science or technology activity.  Today students were put in groups of three, each group was given a paper cup, some card, tape, paperclips, rubberbands, straws, popsicle sticks and pom poms.  The challenge was to invent a pom pom launcher - a device that would launch a pom pom the furthest when competing against other class groups.  The students worked together well, there was a lot of discussion and some trial and error.  In the end, most groups worked out the most effective device would be some sort of catapult.  

Lots of thinking and discussion went into the most effective way to combine the given equipment into a device that would propel the pom pom the furthest.

PE Winter Game Skills

We have made use of our Room 5 sport experts when planning our skill based PE lessons.  Our recent set of three "skill and drill" type lessons have had a hockey focus and have been lead very ably by Liam, Brooke, Ezra, Caitlin and Gabby. 

1 comment:

  1. Yum! When are the Room 5 boys opening up the canteen for lunches; might have to book in!
    Mrs Grace


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